Product Service

Product service

Organizational Change Service: Critical Period of Positive Psychology Escort Organization

In the new normal, China's innovation seeks development, and enterprises in the midst of change will gather together to find the future.Integrate positive psychology into the blood of the organization, help the organization to smoothly transition during the structural adjustment period, assist the organizational integration, team integration, escort the staff psychology of personnel layoffs, and avoid crisis events when the organization is in turmoil.

Change Advisor:

Gain insight into the resistance factors of change, provide a communication program for change, and implement high-risk psychological staff assessment.

Layoff services:

Build a psychological support and intervention system for employees, guide the negative emotions of employees, strengthen the psychological adjustment of employees, and prevent and respond to the crisis caused by this.

Team integration

The auxiliary team establishes a trust mechanism to cultivate employees' ability to actively adapt to environmental changes, create a positive atmosphere for the team, and stimulate teamwork awareness.